Additional voice over demos
Need to hear a more specific voiceover style?
Hi, I’m Ally! If you’re looking to hire a British Female voice over artist, then please consider working with me. From my broadcast quality studio, I specialise in Commercials, Corporate films, E-Learning, Travel Film and Documentary Narration and Video Games.
Super fast delivery - Same day or within 24 hours for most projects.
Delivered to your audio specifications.
Broadcast quality studio with Source Connect Connection.
Reliable, easy to work with and able to take directions quickly.
A relatable and genuine voice that your customers connect to.
Free Custom demos.
My Voice has been described As…
Warm, Friendly, Relaxed, Calm, Knowledgeable, Conversational, Natural, Cheeky, Textured, Relatable, Real, Believable, Compassionate.
A Broadcast Quality Home Studio
My custom built studio has connected with other studios across the globe through Source Connect, Session Link Pro, Cleanfeed and Zoom.
To find out more about my studio, read the specs here. Or click the button below to ask me any specific questions!
SOURCE CONNECT ID - allymurphyvoiceactor

How do I book a voice over?
Click an option below to view my online Resume
“We loved working with Ally! The whole process was made so simple by her from start to finish. She understood exactly what we were after and her voice is perfect for keeping our customers engaged. We would not hesitate to use her again in the future and whole-heartedly recommend her.”
Jennie Roe
Ally Murphy’s award-winning work has elevated our projects beyond our wildest imaginations. After working with Ally once I knew I had found a very talented actor who I would want to work with again and again. In fact, I wrote the next story with Ally in mind. I was lucky that she said yes.
- N.J. Apostol - White Paper Games
trusted by…

“We use a wide range of voice talent and can't rate Ally Murphy highly enough! Ally consistently delivers high quality work for us, usually at short notice.”
- Phil Miller
an experienced voice over with a recording studio Based in a quiet bay, just 15 minutes from Seattle.
I’m a British voice over artist, based in the USA, and working globally with my media production clients! Working either from a studio of your choice, or from my broadcast quality studio via Zoom, Skype, Source Connect, SessionLink Pro, Cleanfeed or with self direction, I can deliver your audio to you fast, usually within 24 hours and to your specifications. My business is to make your life easier, and make you look good to your clients, so you can relax knowing you have a reliable, experienced British VoiceOver. Then you can get on with everything else you need to do to keep your clients happy!
To find out more about my studio, click here.